Thursday, August 27, 2009

There are some people I miss a lot and they live too far away. Hopefully I will get to visit my wonderful friends in the near future. Each one of them have their own way of making me so happy and we all learn something new or exciting from one another every time we hang out. For example, my friend Johnny from Boston taught me how to pop people's backs by stepping on them. It sounds so wrong but it's awesome, trust me haha! I've grown too accustomed to some of the bad friendships that surround me here in Arizona and that is scary to think about. Who wants friends that are there only when they want something from you? I certainly don't.

I found out my dog Kiko has a heart murmur that is making his heart enlarged and press up against his larynx. It breaks my heart every time he coughs hard because of it. I am saving up for his medication and x-rays because this semester's books totaled about $700. He is my everything and he has a heart on his head!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I am letting go of most of what I thought I knew. What I do know is that I am what you call a hopeless romantic and it gets me into trouble. If I met a guy with the same sentiments as me about romance, I'd be happy. I'm pretty independent, ok sometimes too independent, and don't need a guy to lean on at all, but it is one of those things that "would be nice to have." However, I refuse to settle!

On another note, I am so excited for Where The Wild Things Are. I love the colors and the feeling that the movie gives off. It will be a great break from the outside world for those couple hours.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hoping for the best, whatever that may be.

Just got back from looking at an apartment downtown. 7th floor, 1250 sq/ft., floor-to-ceiling windows leading to the balcony, amazing views. I really hope I get it. Summer is almost over and it feels like it has to go out with a bang. It's been a rollercoaster of a summer. Summer school finally ends this Wednesday. I'm thinking a nice trip with my some of my best friends to California or a camping trip is needed. We all need to get away from here, if only for a little while. I will also finally get my tattoo soon.

And I need to stop falling for heartbreakers.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I always get hurt and I'm afraid of the day when I become numb.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I love this song and how it makes me feel.

Sunday, August 2, 2009